Tuesday 26 June 2012

The Evening Post Cover

The image to the left shows Bristol's Evening Post's front page prior to them changing their name to just 'The Post.' The main story featured on the front page is the opening of the local shopping centre "Cabot Circus.' From just looking at the front page, a clear colour scheme is initiated of red white and blue. This instantly gives patriarchal connotations illuminating that the paper is english. An interesting technique that has been done is the use of colours in the images and the adverts which link into the newspapers traditional colour scheme. This helps link the whole page together giving the paper a better flow. The use of banner ads along the top of the paper give a reader a clearer idea about the contents of the newspaper and the fact that they mention both sport and dining out in these advertisements helps ensure that they appeal to wide audience and they are approaching and appealing to different interests.

A bold and strong nameplate is displayed within the top third of the page layout which combined with a short catchy slogan immediately ensures the reader is introduced to the paper as well as standing out amongst the rest of the page . The nameplate itself seems to consist of the papers logo which is a boat. The use of such an image may be in reference to bristols traditional docking heritage and may have been use to illuminate the fact that the paper is bristol based. Beneath the nameplate, the paper mentions its website which advertises its technological convergence and helps appeal to different audiences such as the younger generations who are much more likely to access the internet. The thin blue banner consisting of general information about the newspaper such as the date and price helps tell the reader how recent the stories are which enables the reader to feel up to date with news.

The use of a full frame photograph helps fill space and dominate the page and the bold blue colour scheme grabs the readers attention as well as linking into the papers actual colour scheme. The fact that the image is a worms eye shot of a local place again helps illuminate that the paper is Bristol based. Captioning the image also helps illustrate the location of the image and gives the reader further information about the image if it is required. The story itself is featured in a small white text box in the bottom third of the page layout. This helps break the image up slightly to ensure that its not too overpowering and may have been strategic to cover an unpleasant part of the image. The black border featured around the edge of the floating text box helps give the box much more definition and ensures that it doesn't get lost within the image.The content of the story is effective to use as a cover story as it refers to a large local event such as the announcement of the name for the newest shopping centre. This story will grabs the attention of local readers and persuade them to read the story. The headline for the story appears to be split into two sections: a small less bold start to the headline aligned on the left side of the page following by a much larger, centre aligned, capitalised headline. This may have been done to split a much longer headline up. The smaller headline seems to introduce the larger headline which consists of alliteration making it flow much more effectively and makes it more catchy.

Columns and margins and also used to split and differentiate between different stories to ensure that the reader is aware that the story doesn't match the main image shown. The use of an enlarged headline helps illuminate the articles importance and differentiates the headline from the article effectively. The use of a simple bar line also helps separate the headline from the article and ensures that there a clear differentiation between the two. A variance in text style such as the use of italics and bold text helps show the reader information about the author without risking any confusion between the information and the actual text. Within the first line of the story, capitalisation of specific words are used to put emphasis on words to show they're importance and make them stand out to the reader. Both of the stories featured use jump lines to give the reader information about where the story is continued and persuades the reader to buy the paper. This is because they audience will read the first part of the story and will want to know more so therefore will buy the full paper in order to read the story.

Overall i feel this newspaper cover works effectively as it utilises techniques such as columns and jump lines effectively as well as featuring engaging images and colour schemes which help give the reader an insight into the papers background and into Bristols heritage.

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