Wednesday 11 July 2012

Audience Research

In order to obtain some primary audience research, i conducted a short and brief questionnaire on my friends and family of all different ages to ensure that the population targeted was reasonably representative. The graphs shown below are the final results that i obtained.

The above question was conducted so that i am able to establish whether or not to charge for my final product. The results show that the most popular type of paper is a bought national paper. However, free local papers also appear extremely popular and seeing as i have been commissioned to create a local paper, its highly likely that i will create a free local newspaper. 

 The second question was conducted so that i could find out what interests my target audience so that i could inject the results into my paper and ensure that my final product appealed to my audience effectively. The graph shows that the most popular stories are local ones. This may be because the reader is much more interested in local news concerning their friends and neighbors as opposed to news about complete strangers. Therefore its highly likely that i will feature local information throughout my paper.
 The third question i featured within my questionnaire was a follow up question from the one above. This was so i could obtain further information about the types of stories to include within my finished product. According to the graph above, the most popular types of stories are crime and tragedy stories, where as features covering events and general stories are much less popular. Therefore its likely that i will include many more stories about local crimes and tragedies so that i can engage with the reader and trigger their interest.
 I conducted the next question so that i was able to discover which of the papers i had research was more to my audiences taste so that i knew which one to take more inspiration from. The above graph shows that the post is the most popular of the papers i have researched where as the observer is much less popular. Therefore i am more likely to take more inspiration from the post as opposed to the other papers researched.
The final question was asked so that i could establish what kind of advertisements to feature within my paper. The graph above implies that the kinds of advertisements featured doesn't really matter due to the fact that the answers are relatively equally distributed. Therefore its likely that i will feature all three of the above named to appeal to a wider audience.

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