Friday 13 July 2012

Content Research

The above mind map was created to illustrate the typical content of a local newspaper which i can use to create stories to feature on the cover of my newspaper and throughout the inside pages which i will produce. The main stories featured throughout the paper cover things such as local school events, local events such as charity events and carnivals, local tradegies and crimes and general public information about the area which paper covers. Each of the stories shown target a variety of different audiences provoking them to read specific articles which trigger their interest. I also found that newspapers a filled with a vast amount of adverts, mainly for local businesses yet some wider businesses are also featured throughout. Things such as quizzes, competitions and horoscopes are also involved toward the end of the paper which acts as entertainment for the reader. At the very end of the paper, the paper covers a variety of different sports such as recent scores and league tables as well as information about teams and gossip about players. However, due to the fact that i will only be focusing on the first few pages of the paper, its unlikely my finished paper will include any sports stories.

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