Wednesday 11 July 2012

The Observer Inside Page

The image above shows an annotated version of the inside page of the observer. At first glance, a clear orange colour scheme is automatically initiated. This is due to the use of a thick orange banner header along the top of the page. Although this colour isn't identical to the ones used throughout the cover, the colours are from the same colour palette therefore making the colours extremely similar helping the magazine flow more effectively. Similarly to both the Post and the Times, the Observer also uses small short articles throughout the page. However instead of spreading them about the page, the stories are featured within the header which avoids wasting space on the page. Each of the smaller stories headlines use text style variance with a slightly enlarged headline and a white font which helps differentiate these stories the articles below. They are also separated with the use of bar lines which avoids the stories blurring together which could cause confusion with the reader. On the far right of the head, the paper also gives the reader information of how to get in touch with the paper which would aid the reader obtain extra information about the stories and the paper if it is required. Above the header, the date is featured which shows the reader how recent the news is so that they feel fully informed.

In total, the page consists of 6 different stories. Unlike the Post and the Times, each of these stories have their own individual images which helps make the paper more visually attractive by adding colour to the page and illustrates the stories effectively. They are also separate with the use of columns and bar lines which helps avoid the stories blending together which could cause confusion to the reader. The largest article featured appears to be the main story featured in the center of the page. This is implied through the use of a large dominant headline due to the use of text variance  and a larger image which follows the colour scheme effectively. By following the colour scheme, the paper flows effectively an links both the front page and inside page effectively. The headline itself is the largest one featured on the page which implies that this story is more important that the other. This can also be said about the images. Where as each of the other stories featured only use one image, the main article uses three: a large dominant image and two small circular ones. This again implies that the story is more dominant than the others and helps illustrate the story well. This article is also the only article featured consisting of an introduction which helps give the reader an insight as to what the article is going to be about which helps the reader establish whether or not the article interests them.

The articles featured either side of this story are both very similar. Both of their headlines are smaller and less bold than the article featured in the middle which suggests that these two stories are much less dominant than the center one. They both feature posed images to help illustrate the story, yet these images are much smaller than the one featured in the center which again implies that these stories are less important. However, the story on the far left of the page is followed on from the cover which helps the magazine flow more effectively.

Each of the stories featured are all locally based, as are the two large averts featured within the bottom of the page. This suggests that the newspaper is targeting a very local audience due to the fact that they feature stories which would trigger their interests and adverts which may apply to them. Both of the adverts featured also follow the colour scheme with the inclusion of colour from the same colour scheme such as red and yellow. This helps the magazine flow more effectively and links the adverts into the page well so they look a part of the paper. Even though this page isn't the cover of the paper, the paper is still advertising the papers contents with the use of a thick orange bar line telling the reader to look at the TV pages which shows that the paper is in touch with technology which could make them appeal to a wider audience range.

Overall, i find that this inside page is the most interesting and intriguing out of the pages i have researched. The page is incredibly visually attractive and adapts to a clear colour scheme throughout which ties the whole page together and makes the magazine flow effectively. The idea of using images for every story is again very visually appealing and helps illustrates the stories well. Therefore its likely that i will take inspiration from this page.

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