Thursday 29 November 2012

Ancillary task research: News of the World poster analysis

    The image above shows an annotated poster advertising the News Of The World. At first glance, the reader is automatically drawn to the large pentagon shape with the words 'the big stories start here' inside. The use of the bold red colour scheme ensures that the shapes are bright and stand out from the background. The scheme also links into the papers actual colour scheme which links the advert directly to the paper ensuring that the viewer can easily detect what the poster is advertising. Also the use of the arrow shape at the bottom of the box plays on the content of the slogan by pointing to the newspapers logo implying that 'the big stories start here' (i.e at the news of the world).
    The slogan itself is short and snappy, it includes capitalisation to ensure that its eye catching. The use of alliteration also works well within the slogan as it makes the slogan flow more effectively and allows the reader to remember it easily.
    The inclusion of the newspapers logo helps ensure that the viewer fully understands what the poster is advertising. The logo appears to be bevelled and embossed which allows the logo to appear 3D on the page to which allows the image to stand out against the bold, busy background.
    The background to this advert appears to be a collage of different newspapers which makes it very clear to the viewer what the poster is advertising. Yet the background could be interpreted as too busy which could cause the background to be too overpowering for the images layered on top. However, the slightly faded background and bold use of shapes and colour ensure that the whole poster is balanced out effectively. Also the use of the newspaper background allows the headlines to be visible to the reader. This could be an interesting way to give the reader an insight as to what stories are included inside the paper by just showing them the headlines.
    Overall, this poster is my favourite out of the posters that i have research. I find the inclusion of the newspaper very interesting and different and i like the way its almost immediately detectable what the poster is advertising. I find the way that the give readers an insight into the papers content particularly interesting as its unique and not too obvious or forceful. The use of bold red colour scheme links into the papers colour scheme effectively and ensures that the poster stands out well.

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