Monday 26 November 2012

Ancillary task research: Shropshire Star poster analysis

The image above shows a billboard poster advert for The Shropshire Star. The advert at first glance appears very simple with the use of a simple grey black and white colour scheme and a slight gradient for the background which allows the main images and text to stand out effectively without the whole advert appearing overpowering. Unlike the London Paper, the main images on the advert are both newspapers which ensures that the advert makes it clear what its advertising.
   However, the main image includes an image of a distorted paper in the shape of a paper aeroplane. This   could create connotations that the newspaper is different and unique due to its distorted form. This helps convey to the reader that the newspaper is individual which could persuade them to buy the paper. The small inclusion of colour on the image ensures that the image stands out effectively, especially against the simple background. Also, the inclusion of the papers logo on the actual image showing the papers name works well as the reader can almost instantly detect what specific paper the poster is advertising. As well as the large image of the paper, the poster also includes a smaller image of the newspaper in its actual form which directly shows the reader what the poster is advertising.
   Such a small use of colour on the paper helps ensures that the poster isn't too overpowering. Also, the black/white/grey colour scheme may have been used to convey that black/white nature of a newspaper which would further convey to the reader what the poster is advertising.
   Beneath the image of the distorted paper, the advert lists what the paper contains which helps gives a reader an inside as to whats included inside the paper which allows the to decide whether or not the paper appeals to them. The poster also tells the reader where they can access the stories as well as advertising technological convergence which ensures that the poster targets different types of audiences.
   Overall, i find that this poster works effectively as the poster is easy to view and you can almost instantly recognise what the poster is advertising. The simplicity of the advert helps convey the simple black/white, straight to the point nature of a newspaper which also helps directly show the reader what is being advertised without appearing too overpowering.

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