Monday 26 November 2012

Ancillary task research: London Paper poster analysis

    The image above shows an annotated poster advertising a local london paper. From a first glance, you can automatically detect the black and purple colour scheme indicated through the use of a bold image and coloured text. This works well as it links into the papers actual colour scheme which ensures that the reader knows what the advert is advertising.
    The use of a slight gradient for the background of the poster ensures that the images and colours stand out effectively without the background appearing too boring or too dull. The poster also includes a large bold image showing a hand holding lots of different objects and people. This image works well with the catchy slogan 'grab all the best bits of london' and helps ensure that the whole advert links together effectively. Also, the inclusion of different objects and people helps give an insight as to what the paper contains. For example, an image of a guitar may have been used to show the reader that the paper covers information about music. This helps give the reader an idea as to whats included inside the paper and attempts to trigger their interest with the use of images. Also, the images of people may be trying to portray the papers target audience to the reader so that they can detect whether or not the paper appeals to them.The bold colours used in the image link in with the colour scheme effectively as well as ensuring that the image stands out against the background.
    An interesting feature included on the poster is the fact that the papers logo and name is located in the bottom right hand corner in a much smaller font than the slogan. This may have been done to ensure that the papers name was the last thing the viewer looks at which would increase the likelihood of the papers name sticking inside the viewers mind. However, the use of such a small font may cause the viewer to overlook the name and therefore not know what the paper is advertising.
    Overall, i find this poster works effectively as the use of the purple colour scheme ensures that the whole advert is linked together and the use of the papers actual colour scheme helps show the reader knows what the poster is advertising. Also, the clever inclusion of the feature of changing the colour of the last word in the sentence also helps show the reader what the poster is advertising as a similar feature is also include in the name of the paper. I also like the inclusion of a large image to balance out the use of text and ensure that the poster maintains interest.

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