Wednesday 26 September 2012

Inside page layout

The image above shows the layout i have chosen for my inside cover page. From research into several other papers, i found that the majority of their inside pages are split into different sections. Within these sections, several small stories are featured, one of which is carried on from the cover story. I also hope to include the use of columns and margins to help split and differentiate between stories. Its very common to feature information about the paper along the top of the page hence why i chose to include the date, page number, and advertisement of technological convergence along the top of the page to help informs the reader effectively. I learnt from research that bar lines are often included within the top third of the page, however, these barlines are often quite thin and black which causes them to appear less dominant on the page. Therefore i decided to include two parrallell barlines following the colour scheme initiated on the front page. This helps the lines appear bolder on the page aswell as ensuring the colour scheme is maintained throughout the paper which helps give it more flow. Images of local people and local business advertisements are commonly included within the inside pages of newspaper hence why I want to include them in mine as they helps show the reader that the paper is local which would trigger the interest of local readers.

Userfeedback on this inside page:
'The use of large images help balance out the large amount of text which makes it more interesting to look at.'
'I like the blue bar lines along the top of the page because it helps add colour to the page'

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