Friday 14 September 2012

Advert Research

Following the decision to include a retail advertisement offering 25% off of a retail store and the opportunity to win an iPad inside the paper on the cover of the newspaper, i chose to conduct some further research into existing adverts of a similar style. This will help me ensure that the adverts that i generate follow the traditional conventions included in a stereotypical retail advert and competition advert. Therefore i have chosen several adverts which i find particularly inspiring and analysed their most successful aspects.

Retail advertisement
The image shown on the left shows a retail advertisement for New Look. I find that the simplicity of the advert helps make the advert appear formal and matter of fact which would work effectively in my newspaper as it would help create connotations of formality which would help the advert follow traditional conventions of a typical newspaper. I also like the way that the model featured appears happy and cheerful as it helps create connotations of fun which counterbalances the simplicity to ensure the advert doesn't appear boring. However, the use of black and white makes the advert appear very bland which would mean that the advert wouldn't appear very bold on the page. Also, the simplicity of the models outfit doesnt really advertise the company very effectively therefore i hope to enasure that the outfit included in my final advert appears bold and exciting to portray the company in a much more positive way.

The image to the right shows an advert for Topshop. Similarly to the advert shown above, this advert utilises the use of simplicity through the use of simple poses and black and white. However, unlike the image above, the use of moody posing and lighting portray the retail business as dark and intense which is not the effect i hope to achieve in my advert. Also, although the juxtaposition of a black and white image with a coloured one helps ensure that the image doesnt appear too bland which would help the advert stand out on the page effectively. However, the fact that the coloured image seems to have a blue tint which gives the image cold connotations and the other colours used dont seem as bold which could prevent the advert from appearing bold and dominant on the page.

The image to the left shows an advert for the retail business of H&M. This advertis my favourite of the three as it utilises a variety of conventions which make the advert appear appealing. The use of bold colour and the logo in red helps emphasise the company and would ensure that the advert appears bold and dominant on the page. Unlike both of the adverts mentioned before, this advert features both men and women as opposed to just women which would help ensure that the advert doesnt just appeal to women. Also, the use of an action shot helps create connotations of excitement and fun which would also help portay the company positively as well as ensuring the advert stands out effectively on the page.

Opportunity to win an iPad
 The image to the right shows an advertisement for the opportunity to win an iPad 3. I find that the simplicity of the advert works well as the use of a white background help ensure that the colours stand out effectively. However, the juxtaposition of the white iPad against a white background could cause the ipad to become lost within the image which defeats the point of advertising it. The use of fuchsia works effectively as the colour appears bold and bright against the the white. However, the use of such a feminine colour, as well as the use of a flower shaped background for the 'win' and the inclusion of the flower on the iPad could make the advert appear very feminine which could limit the audience to just females. Therefore, its unlikely that i will use this colour on my advert.

The image to the left shows another advertisement for the opportunity to win an iPad. Unlike the advert previously mentioned, this advert uses much more gender neutral colours such as red and green which avoids the advert appearing limited to appealing to one gender. The advert also appears much busier than the simple advert shown above with the use of a patterned background, quite a lot of large text which could work effectively as the advert would appear very bold on the page. However, the use of such background and text could cause the actual iPad to appear lost on the page as well as the advert appearing much too busy for the page. Therefore its much more likely that i will incorporate the idea of simplicity within my advert so that it doesn't appear too overpowering on the page.

The image to the right shows another advert for the opportunity to win and iPad. I feel that this advert is the most effective out of the three that i have chosen to analyse. I find that the utilisation of simplicity in this advert works effectively as it allows the majority of the focus to be placed on the ipad itself. However the use of a white iPad against a white background could cause the iPad to become lost in the background therefore its unlikely i will use this technique in my advert. Although the first advert mentioned also utilises the idea of simplicity, this advert combines the simplicity with bright, bold and gender neutral colours which helps avoid the advert from appealing to just one gender. I also like the way that the iPad is set to its home screen as opposed to a flower as it also helps ensure that the advert doesn't appeal to just one gender.

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