Thursday 13 September 2012

Headline Font Ideas

Similarly to my nameplate, i want to make sure that i consider a few possible fonts which could be used for the headlines in my newspaper. A few of my decisions are discussed below:

Headlining Font
The initial font that i considered is shown above. The use of simple bold black lettering helps the letters stand out effectively and give the story a sense of dominance and importance. Also, the fact that the letters are capitalised help give the story a sense of importance too. The use of longer, narrowed letters helps create a sense of urgency which would also ensure the story seems important and serious which would work effectively in my newspaper. This font is also very similar to the fonts used for headlines in other newspapers which, although would ensure the paper follows typical conventions of a newspaper, could avoid the newspaper appearing different and unique which could possible avoid the newspaper triggering interest. Therefore its unlikely that i will use this font for the headlines in my paper.

Dirty Headline
 Another font which i considered is shown above. Similarly to the 'headlining font,' the use of bold black lettering helps the letters stand out on the page and give the story a sense of dominance on the page. The use of capitalisation also helps achieve a similar effect. A feature that i find particularly interesting is the fact that the font appears slight aged and rough which i feel helps give the font the originality and continuity usually associated with a typical newspaper. However, unlike the font previously researched, the lettering is much wider and shorter which means the font loses the sense of urgency and seriousness which i feel is quite essential when choosing a font for headlines. Therefore its unlikely that i will use this font for the headlines in my newspaper.

Headliner No.45

The image above shows the final font which i hope to include for the headlines inside my newspaper. I find this font particularly interesting as it combines the most effective features from both of the previously mentioned fonts. It includes the use of bold black lettering which would help give the story a sense of dominance and importance therefore making it stand out on the page. The lettering is also very long and narrow which creates the sense of urgency and seriousness which would work effectively in my paper. Also, the font has the same aged, rough appearance as the 'dirty headline' font which would help generate the originality and continuity usually associated with typical newspapers, therefore its highly likely that i will use this font for the headlines in my newspaper. 

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